Factory Calibration

Recommended Recalibration Frequency: No regular factory recalibration required.

What's included with LI-610 recalibration?

A factory recalibration includes:


  • Water pump is filled and tested.
  • Dew point temperature calibration (2 points).
  • Check panel meter accuracy.

Tests and Maintenance

  • Test battery.
  • Replace internal air filter.
  • Clean fan filter and hose barb screen as needed.
  • Inspect condenser block.
  • Replace hoses and other air supply parts as needed.
  • Check and repair any air leaks in the system (inform customer of leaks found).
  • Other repairs and maintenance as needed; customers are notified if additional fees are required for repairs.

To request factory service or recalibration for an instrument:

Service will be performed at our US office in Lincoln, NE USA, European office (LI-COR GmbH), or by your local distributor.