Factory Calibration

Recommended Recalibration Frequency: No regular factory recalibration required.

What is included with Trace Gas Analyzer recalibration?

The LI-7810, LI-7815, LI-7820, or LI-7825 factory recalibration includes the following adjustments and tests:


  • Zero, span, and verification.
  • Pressure sensor calibration.

Tests and Maintenance

  • Plumbing inspection and leak test.
  • Replace dry-down chemical.
  • Change user-replaceable inlet filters.
  • Inspect O-rings and filter housing on air inlet and outlet.
  • Lithium coin cell battery changed (as needed).
  • Upgrade software to the most recent version (please download a copy of your files before sending to LI-COR).
  • Check pump and flow rates.
  • Other repairs and maintenance as needed; customers are notified if additional fees are required for repairs.

After factory service, the serviced instrument should perform as well as a new instrument.

To request factory service or recalibration for an instrument:

Service will be performed at our US office in Lincoln, NE USA, European office (LI-COR GmbH), or by your local distributor.